ARCO Consumer Code

A common set of high standards

The ARCO Consumer Code was launched in 2015 and provides the benchmark for good practice within the Integrated Retirement Community sector. The Code was most recently reviewed and updated in 2024, and the updated Code has achieved Stage 1 approval of the Chartered Trading Standards Institute's Consumer Codes Approval Scheme, indicating that it meets the highest standards for consumer protection.

The Code applies to Integrated Retirement Communities in the UK that have been registered with ARCO by ARCO Approved Operators, as well as Provisional and Prospective Members of ARCO.

The Consumer Code builds upon UK consumer law and guidance, and is informed by regular assessments of ARCO Members and by external developments, such as the Law Commission for England and Wales’ work on event fees in retirement properties.  


What does the Consumer Code mean for Integrated Retirement Community Operators, Customers and Residents?

The Consumer Code’s key principles are transparency and fairness: older people should be able to make a fully informed choice to move into an Integrated Retirement Community and be treated fairly by the operator.  

ARCO Members agree to ensure that prospective residents are given clear and transparent information about fees and service charges well before they decide to move in. They must also maintain core levels of services in their Integrated Retirement Communities and have a fair and consultative relationship with residents.


How do we ensure standards are met?

The Code is supported by a robust Standards and Compliance Framework.

External assessors conduct independent reviews of services against the Consumer Code on ARCO’s behalf. These assessors monitor ARCO Members’ compliance with the Code, and ARCO will take action as necessary when standards are not met.

Please read the FAQs or email for more information.


What do I do if I have a complaint?

Customers or residents wishing to make a complaint about an ARCO Member can find more information here.