The Integrated Retirement Community sector is still relatively new. Many Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) do not have experience of this model of housing.
ARCO and its Members are very keen to work with LPAs, planners, and elected Councillors to support the growth of the sector.
The ARCO Planning Hub aims to assist local decision makers in understanding what constitutes an Integrated Retirement Community and how they differ from other forms of housing for older people.
The 1987 Use Classes Order pre-dates the arrival of Integrated Retirement Communities in the UK and does not specifically refer to, or indeed anticipate, provision of specialist or extra care accommodation for older people.
As a result, there is often confusion about how to treat proposals for Integrated Retirement Communities. This sometimes results in inconsistent approaches among LPAs, delays in the planning and decision-making processes - and ultimately contributes to lower supply and higher prices for consumers.
Given growing interest in Integrated Retirement Communities among consumers and policymakers, it is important that applications are properly understood and assessed.
What you’ll find in the ARCO Planning Hub
ARCO has created this hub to assist decision makers in understanding what constitutes an Integrated Retirement Community and how they differ from other forms of housing for older people. It also has information on ensuring that appropriate and consistent controls are put in place when preparing policy and dealing with planning applications for new Integrated Retirement Communities. The hub also has information on the considerable benefits of Integrated Retirement Communities for older people, local communities, and the health and social care system.
The Hub includes:
- Model Documents – for use by applicants and local planning authorities when negotiating planning applications
- Briefings – on key topics related to Integrated Retirement Communities
- Evidence Bank – comprising case studies, useful articles and research studies undertaken by ARCO and other professional bodies.
Although the Planning Hub is mostly aimed at LPAs, the information here should be useful to all parties involved in the planning process, including councillors, statutory consultees and other stakeholders.
The content of the Planning Hub will continue to evolve and ARCO welcomes contributions and ideas from others involved in the sector.