'Connections, Collaborations and Communities', Member Workshop - December 2023

Tuesday, 12 December, 2023 - 10:00

Zoom Meeting

Member Workshop (Private Event)

My Home Life England and ARCO invite you to a two part virtual workshop where we will be exploring changes in the health and care system

This is an ARCO Member Workshop open exclusively to ARCO Members 

My Home Life England and ARCO invite ARCO Members to a two part interactive workshop where we will be exploring changes in the health and care system.

This workshop is specifically designed for the Head of Care of our Member organisations.

This online webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Changes in the NHS and Local Authority Landscape, and why these are important to support positive quality of life and regulatory requirements.
  • A focus on the developing integrated care boards, integrated care systems and primary care networks.
  • The usefulness of Market Sustainability Plans.
  • My Home Life England evidence-informed tools and tips.
  • Myths and dragons at a local level - why might these influence collaborative approaches
  • Relationship mapping - how can we use this to think about great relationships and those that might need to be brought closer to support quality of life?
  • Sharing different experiences at place - what’s working well and what can people build on?


  • Initial workshop: 12 December 2023 (10am - 4pm)
  • Follow-up workshop: 13 February 2024 (10am - 1pm)


My Home Life is a charitable organisation who work to promote positive practice and improve the quality of life for those living, visiting, and working in care settings and do this through high-quality training, consultancy, research and social action. You can read more about their work here