Technology and Development Forum May 2019

Tuesday, 21 May, 2019 - 00:00

The Chocolate Quarter Retirement Village, Trajectus Way, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2GJ

Member Workshop (Private Event)

Member workshop on key trends and challenges in the Retirement Community sector. Exclusive to Full Members, Prospective Members and Accelerators.

This event is exclusive to Full Members, Prospective Members and Accelerators.

The Technology and Development workshop will provide insights into some of the current topics surrounding technology and development within the retirement community sector. 

We are grateful to St Monica Trust for welcoming us to The Chocolate Quarter Retirement Village for this workshop.

A provisonal agenda and topics are as follows:

  • A Tour of The Chocolate Quarter 
  • Augmented Reality in Construction – an insight into a world that enhances construction projects through virtual reality
  • The Modern Methods of Construction – views from the industry embracing innovation and transforming the way properties are built
  • Robotic Exoskeleton and the future of technology for the elderly
  • A look into how to unlock the latent profit locked in the energy generation assets 


More information and a full agenda will be sent to registered participants. 

Please note that this event is currently full. Thank you.